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6 Tips when doing a test drive for a used car.

6 Tips when doing a test drive for a used car.

6 Tips When Doing A Test Drive For A Used Car


6 Tips When Doing A Test Drive For A Used Car


Steering oneself to the right used car can be a headache for many prospective buyers. Having a test drive isn't usually up for debate, but how do we know if it passes the test? We've compiled a list of the most effective tips when test-driving a pre-loved vehicle. 


Plan Your Route

Get to know the area where the test drive will occur. The car should be driven in different locations such as residential roads, highways, country roads, etc. This will give you an idea of how well the car holds the road on different road surfaces.


Check Under the Hood

A preliminary look in this area is essential. Ensure engine oil and transmission fluid levels are correct and there isn’t any sign of leaking fluid. The owner's manual will include detailed instructions for this procedure. When in doubt, consult a professional technician. Listen to the engine start while inspecting under the hood. Apart from the usual rhythmic ticking sound, other unusual sounds should be addressed. The vehicle’s service history should be available. Acquiring full-service records is essential if the vehicle is still under warranty. Any grey or white smoke emitting from the tailpipes could indicate issues with the turbocharger.


Include a Driveline Systems Test

A driveline systems test is essential during a test drive. Find a straight road which is long enough to accelerate three times. Increase your speed gently at first. Take note of how the engine responds. The shift in transmission shouldn’t be significant. On the second acceleration, pick up speed at a quick pace. How smooth is the transmission? The final acceleration should be at full throttle. How does the engine respond?

Check the Brakes and Steering

The car should have a sound braking system. It’s a red flag if the pedal requires much pressure before braking occurs. If the brakes need to be replaced, you’ll hear unusual sounds. During the test drive, drive at an average speed of 70 - 80 km/h and stop the vehicle by lightly tapping the brakes. Take note of any vibrations or unusual sounds. Repeat this manoeuvre and apply more pressure when applying the brakes. Take note of any issues. A hard stop must also be executed to ensure that the ABS brake system activates effectively. To test the steering, turn the steering wheel quickly from left to right when the car is stationary, and the engine is running. Any weird noises will be a red flag.

Evaluate How the Car Feels

How do you feel in the driver’s seat? Take note of how the steering wheel responds. All the interior control settings should be well-placed and easy to operate. The overall quality of the interior should also be taken into consideration.


Bring a Friend for a Second Opinion

Car shopping doesn’t need to be a solitary pursuit. Two pairs of eyes are always better than one, so ask a friend to tag along for the test drive. 


If you’re a potential car shopper, visit BVC Best Vehicles Canada Inc. Hold the wheel and test drive a pre-loved car today!


Categories: Used Cars, Used Trucks, Used cars dealership